Saturday, January 25, 2014


In the ancient time, Kompong Thom province belong to the kingdom of Chen La .it was a province which has many single temples built as group to be dedicated to Siva in Brahmanism. Most treasures in Kompong Thom province are the art of Chen La. They were the real opus of the Khmer art and highly progressed.

CHEN LA (Means the district of bee wax)

Chen La was a state influenced by Kloeng like Fu Non. Chen La situated at the middle of Mekong river basin, and along the Semon river until the Basac river. She had appeared in 6 century. it was combined by two dynasties. Fu Non (family of the moon) and Chen La (family of the sun),And became the Kingdom of Khmer named Cambodia. Cambodia means the territory created by the great hermit, Kampu Svayamphuvak and nymph, Me Ra offered to be the queen by the sacred god (inscription of Bak sey Cham Krong temple 10 century).

- the King who named the country “ Cambodia ” was Phavak Varaman, 6 century in the Chen La time, there are 9 kings :

1 - Great hermit, Kampu Svayamphuvak and nymph, Me Ra ( in the legend )

2 - Srot Varman

3 - Sres Varman (there was a capital named Sres Borak in Ba Sac area in Laos at around Phu pagoda)

4 - Phavak Varman II (550-600)
Capital named Phavak Borak. Phavak Varman was a king of Chen La.His race from fu Non. He was a son of Virak Varman and a grandson of Rutr Varman. He got crowned with Kompuch Raja Laksmey, a daughter of the king of Chen La who was the neighbor of Sres Varman’s mother.By the explanation from the Chen La’s royal family said that the king PhavarkVarman and his brother Chetr-Sen started invading the kingdom of Phnom in the second half of the 6 century. At that time, his grandfather died, the kingdom of Fu Non was defeated and moved the capital from Vjathak Borak(Ba Phnom) to Navak Varak Nokor ( Angkor Borey, Ta keo ). King Pha VarkvarmanI build a capital named Pha Vak Borak ( at around Ampil Rolum ).

5 - Mohentr Varman (600-615)
King Phavak Varman I died without remaining any child. Chetr-Sen was on the throne in 600 and named Mohentr Varman. In the political activities, he made friend with the kingdom of Cambodia.

6 - Isanak Varman I (615-635)
He was a son of Mohentr Varman. He was on the throne in 615 and died in 635.He built a capital Isanak Borak ( Sambo Peykuk ). By the documents of Swi’s royal family in china showed that his capital has 20,000 houses located near Sen river. He had a glorious civilization of Khmer at that time. In view of foreign policies, He made friend with China and Chom Pa. He arranged marriage for his daughter, Sara Ni crowning on king of Cham.

7 - Phavak Varman II (639...........)
Due to Isanak Varman I Did not have a child after he died, Phavak Varman II would inherit the royal wealth. it was known how is relation between PhavakVaman II and Isanak Varman I because he held the power with shot time, therefore nobody knows what happened in that period.

8 - Jaya Varman I ( 657-681 )
He was a son of Phavak Varman II. After the father’s death he was on the throne in 657 and died in 681. He built the temple at Vjatha Borak (Ba Phnom, Prey Veng Province) and the wat Phu temple(Ba Sak).He had only daughter,Jaya Tevy(who inherited after her father died)

9 - Queen Jaya Tevy (681-713)
She was on the throne in 681.but her power was not strongly fundamental. During the period 706-713, Chen La had been divided into two parts : Land Chen La and water Chen La by civil war.


The inscription showed that they usually make friends trending to the mother, in choosing their couple, the man goes to ask woman for the married acceptance. The married celebration is lasting for 8 days. In their culture, besides the Sang Scrit language, they also use the ancient Khmer language(the inscription). The first, oldest inscription of Khmer was angkor Borey inscription, Ta koa province in 611.Believe in religion ,the inscription showed that there were the worships for their party altogether in the 7 century. People worship Siva, then became the official and royal religion. the belief Siva and Herihara had been also worship by the people. Cambodian worships the big Vehicle of Buddhism expressed by the statue art of the Prey Khmeng style.

General aspect of the Sambo Prey Kuk temple

The temples were mainly built by Isanak Varman to be dedicated to Siva. The temple were build as group like a single temple in a rampart. the temple has square sharp made of lime brick, lime cement and sandstone. the architecture of the temple are front and Sosar Pich ( sculpture column )made of sandstone and there are sculpture on the lime brick. At the present, most tower are ruined because of human and natural factor.

Geographical Location of the Sambo Prey Kuk Temple

The temple is located 35 kms north of provincial town of Kompong Thom in the middle of Cambodia, 202 kms from Phnom Penh.In the past, the temples were in Kompong Svay district, now is named Prasat Sambo district.the soil around the temple is not so fertile for the crop because it is a sand soil, most people at the area are doing agriculture.

Choosing the location of the temple

To choose the location for Khmer temple is neither by chance nor guessing. it is done by analysis and thinking clearly with the instruction of the raft of astrology, architecture teacher and assistance. To choose the name for the temple is according to the dialect of the people who has seen the specific occurred and gathering ideas to name the temple.The Sambo Prey Kuk temple were classify by the scholars of the old generation in to three different groups and other is small groups as follow :

I - Northern Sambo Prey Kuk temples called Sambor temple

Build by Isana Varman I, in early 7 century The temple called Sambor Temples surrounded by many small temples made of brick dedicated to Siva.

II - Mid temple called Tor Temple

A mid tower has named Tor temple. there were 8,34meters length, 5,56meters width and 18metera height. the wall has 2,50meters height and So Sar Pich ( sculpture column ) has 8 sides. Surrounding the Tor temple, there are 7 small tower made of brick and were build by Isanak Varnman I in early 7 century. There used to be pairs of stone lions guarding each side. but only two are still there today, in front of the entrance. another three of them have been taken to the provincial museum. A shot distance from Prasat Tor is the ancient “Srahsrang”, a deep square-shaped sacred pool lined with stone blocks. The Tor temple located at the mid group was build during the reign of the king Jaya Varnman II in 9 century by the Chvia’s style dedicated to Siva.

(To Be Continue...)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kratie Province

Kratie is situated along the east Mekong riverbank. It is around 340km form Phnom Penh on the National Road 7, and 220km on the waterway. Kratie is one of the four provinces in northeastern Cambodia, and although it is relatively remote and not heavily touristed, traveling here won't earn you points for being a pioneer. There's no large scale tourism, but plenty of backpackers pour through here during the peak season. The town has developed to meet this demand, with very good budget accommodation that is well known in backpacking circles.

Name: Chruoy Rey

- How to go: 3 km (15mn) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Kantring Village, Kaoch Trong Commune, Kratie Town.

Name: Dolphin Habitat

- How to go: 15 km (15mn) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Nature & Wildlife Preserves, Location: Kampee Village, Sambok Commune, Kratie District.

Name: Kam Py Resort

- How to go: - Location: - Description: Is the great natural resort providing shelter to Dolphins. When we travel along the National Road No.7 to the North about 15 Kilometers from the provincial town, we will arrive at a bridge of Prek Kam Py where we have seen a very novel view of the Mekong River consisting of thousands of islands full of green water plants. Usually from January to May, there are local and international visitors, who call on the Kam Py resort for swimming, especially during the Khmer New Year. Kam Py resort has special features such as: - The resort is closed to the National Road, assured safety and has large parking sites for motocycles and cars. - The riverbank is full of sand, and there are many islands assuring the visit of thousands of visitors. - The water is clear as mirror, has 0.5-1.30 meter depth and flows with undangerous speed. Kam Py resort has not only the good natural manner, but also been provided the good servises for visitors such as the crossing bridge, floating cottages, soft-drink shops, restaurants, emergen

Name: Phnom Preah

- How to go: 30 km (1h) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Nature & Wildlife Preserves, Location: Chrauy Thmar Leu Village, Chhloug Commune, Chhloung District.

Name: Phnom Sam Bok Resort

- How to go: - Location: - Description: Is the natural and historical resort, locates at Thmor Kre Commune, Kratie District in 11-Kilometer distance from the provincial town by the National Road No 7, then turning more 500 Meters to the mountain. Phnom Sam Bok is the cultural and main tourist resort of Kratie province. The resort has good location and assured safety for tourists to visit. Phnom Sam Bok has been arranged as the tourist resort since the Sang Kum Reas Ni Yum time. The special features of Phnom Sam Bok are: - Closed to the western mountain foot, there is a big pond full of clearwater and natural plants. - The mountain has two peak, a dull peak and a pointed peak. On the mountain top, we can view the beautiful scene especially the Mekong River. - The mountain rich in big trees and birds. - There is a concrete stair stretching from the mountain foot to the top, and there are many resting place at the mountain. The legend said that one upon the time, there was a king named Cha Krey Sara Varman a son of Preah Bat Hathak Athi Reah Varman. A

Name: Phnom Sopor Kaley

- How to go: 30 km (1h) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Chrauy Banteay Village, Chrau Ampil Commune, Prey Prasap District.

Name: The 100-Column Pagoda

- How to go: - Location: - Description: Located at Sam Bor District in 36-kilometer distance, North of the provincial town by the National Road No 7. The special features of Sar Sar-100 pagoda are: The 100-column pagoda was built on the place where the Royal Palace temple of Sam Phu Borak Capital of the Chen La time located. At the area, there are four-Buddist temples facing to different directions: 1- Vihear Lao faces to the West 2- Vihear Sar Sar-100 faces to the North 3- Vihear Kork Keut faces to the Est 4- Vihear Kork faces to the South (this Buddhist temple has only base and mark remain). During the Khmer New Year, the local people who live near the former sam Phu Bo Rak Capital usually celebrate the four-day festival by starting at Vihear Sar Sar-100 first, then Vihear Kork and Vihear Lao lastly. Background of Vihear Sar Sar-100: Was built in 1806 and the size is 30 Meters x 30 Meters. In the former time, at the 100th column, was thatched by Preah Ang Chan Reachea II for dedicating to the power of Vihear sar sar-100 to maintain the soul of Pr

Name: Wat Vihear Kuk

- How to go: 36 km (1h:30mn) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Sambour Village, Sambour Commune, Sambour District.

Name: Wat Vihear Lao

- How to go: 36 km (1h:30mn) From Provincial Town.- Location: - Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Sambour Village, Sambour Commune, Sambour District.

Kampot Province

Kampot is located 143km southwest of Phnom Penh. It can be reached by National Road No 3. Kampot is on the potential coast of Cambodia boasting many natural and cultural sites of interest to tourist, both national and international.
Kampot is a small town on the Tuk Chhou River, 5km inland from the sea. Fishing and farming are the main activities, durians and melons grow in abundance. To the south end of town is a large dusty traffic circle with three hotels arrayed around it - Phnom Kieu, Phnom Kamchay, and Tuk Chhou. Each has its own restaurants; Tuk Chhou offers a seedy nightclub. Also on the circle is Prachummith Restaurant, close by is Amar Restaurant. To the south near the river is the GPO and telecommunications building. At the north end of town, about 1.5 km away, is the Central Market, with foodstalls. All Kampot transportation is concentrated within range of the market-cycle, motors, taxis, trucks, and buses.

Bokor Resort

- How to go: 
- Location: 
- Description: Locates at 42-Kilometer distance from the provincial town of Kampot, and was found by a French people 1922 during the reign of the King, Sisovath Before, Bokor was a leisure place for French colonists who need to exchange atmosphere from the plain area to the mountainous area at seaside. The Mountain of Bokor has 1,075-meter height, good weather and beautiful natural view with big trees and rocks shaping up as animal figure. In Sang Kum Reas Ni Yum, there were public buildings, which look like a city there. At seven-kilometer distance from the mountain, there is a swimming spot locating at the waterfall ?Po Pok Vil?. On the top of the mountain, we can view the beautiful scenery of Kampot town, Kep, Sihanouk Ville and blue water of the sea.

Kampong Trach Resort

- How to go: 
- Location: 
- Description: Is the rocky mountain with caves and natural wells where arranged and worshipped by the tradition of Cambodia, China and Vietnam. The resort locates at Dam Nak Kan Tuot Khang Tbong Commune, Kampong Trach District in 38-Kilometer distance, East of Kampot town by the National Road No 16. There is a natural well having 30-meter diameter and other small natural wells having four-meter stair and artistic stone look like animal or object shape. From these natural wells, there is a long cave that we can go through to the La Ang Viel Sre 100 and La Ang Thmar Dos. At these natural wells, there are some evidences remain to prove that the wells were the main filming places before the 70th decade. At the front valley, there is a pagoda of Chinese and Vietnamese. In front of the cave, there is a Cambodian pagoda, which has been now maintained and arranged by the pagoda committee permanently. Among the above four resorts excepted Teuk Chhu have not yet been renovated and well organized yet. However there are tourists

Kep Thmey

- How to go: 8 km (12mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location: 
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Kep Thmey Village, Beoungtouk Commune, Kampot District.

Phnom Chhnok

- How to go: 9km (22mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location: 
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Bos Trobek Village, Trorpeang Pring Commune, Kampot District.

Phnom Daung

- How to go: 7 km (11mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location: 
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Beoung Tapream Village, Treuy Koh Commune, Kampong Bay District.

Phnom Seda Orn

- How to go: 6 km (10mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location: 
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Ang Kor Village, Trorpeang Pring Commune, Kampot District

Preak Anpil Resort

- How to go: 
- Location: 
- Description: Is the beach rich in white sand, mangro and coconut trees, and locates at Koh Touch Commune, Kampot District in 18-Kilometer distance, west of the provincial town of Kampot by the National Road No 3. At the resort, we can enjoy the fresh seafood like crabs, cuttlefish, lobster, snail, and varied sea fish.

Teuk Chhu Resort

- How to go: 
- Location: 
- Description: Is the natural resort locating at Snom Prampi Village, Mak Prang Commune, Kampot District in eight-Kilometer distance, North of the provincial town. The resort has water flowing from Phnom Dam Rey- Phnom Kam Chay. The water is cool and clear flowing down over the big rocks for year round. At Teuk Chhu resort, there are valuable and delicious fruit like Durian, Mangostreen, Rambutan, Mak Prang, Pineapple, coconut etc.
Where to Eat and Stay
Little Garden Bar: (tel: 012-256901) 
This Restaurant has an open-air garden style and is situated on the riverfront one block north of the bridge. You’ll find a good selection of western and Khmer food. There are lots of sandwiches and daily specials on the board. Try the popular Pork Volcano; check out our daily specials from prime Australian rib eye filet to roast Lamb with mint sauce. We also have a number of vegetarian dishes as well as nice fish dishes. It's a perfect spot to enjoy the sunset whilst sipping your favourite cocktail. They also give you information on the Kampot area and local volunteer opportunities.


The history of Sihanoukville goes back only as far as 1955 when the area known as kampong Som. In August of that year, a French/Cambodia construction team cut a base camp into the unoccupied jungle where the Hawaii Sea view Restaurant now sits. They laid the groundwork for the construction of the new Port of Kampong Som. Prior to 1954, Indochina (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) was a single political unit under French jurisdiction. During this period, Cambodia maintained international sea trade via the Mekong River. But the dissolution of French Indochina in1954 meant the Mekong delta reverted to the control of Vietnam. Seeking unfettered access to the ocean, plans were made to construct a new ocean port. Kampong Som was selected for water depth ease of access.


Ochheuteal Beach is now the most popular in Sihanoukville, offering the full Spectrum of beach venues from upscale hotels and dining to laid-back budget beach bars and bungalows. 

Ochheuteal is long, sandy and narrow, with ‘Serendipity Beach’ at the northern end, a Golf-course development at the southern end, and a cluster of mid-range hotels and restaurant near the MP base in the middle. Little shack style restaurants and bars, grass umbrellas, beach chairs line the beach from one end to the other.


At over kilometers, Victory Beach is quite long, but like Independence Beach, the sandy area is narrow, making low tide the best time. Victory two beaches divided by a rocky point and a small hill. Set at the base of the very popular Weather Station Hill, the section of Victory Beach in the area in the area of the Vietnam Cambodia Monument (Victory Monument’) is the most popular of Victory. The beach is a bit quieter and more relaxed then Ochheuteal and there are a few good beach bars and restaurants right on the sand such as Tahiti, Mari-yan Beach (offering the only pentanque court on the beach), and Map Water Sports with jet skis, boat trips and more. Victory is a particularly good sunset beach.


Independence Beach is more than a kilometer long, but the sandy area is quite narrow, making the beach best when the tide is low. Grass umbrellas and drink vendors now line the beach from end but it is more tourists toward the southern end, near the beach’s only hotel, Sea Breeze. At the other end is a small fresh water lake (which is the source of the town’s fresh water and is rumored to contain crocodiles). The road up to the Independence Hotel is often frequented by a small troop of Rhesus monkeys but is currently closed.


Occupying all of Sokha Beach, the new Sokha Beach Resort, Sihanoukville’s first full resort complex, is offering upscale accommodation restaurants, water sports, and more. Sokha Beach is about 1 Kilometer long and comparatively wide so that there is plenty of sand left during high tide. It is perfectly groomed these days, fairly quiet by comparison to Ochheuteal, and is open to the general public as well as guests of the resort.


Otres is the next beach south of Ochheuteal. A single road traces the beach’s 3 km to a small river at the far end. Otres is the twin of Ochheuteal, but is largely untouristed and often almost completely deserted. There are a few grass umbrellas scattered along the beach. 


Officially called Preah Sihanouk National Park, the park has become know as because it is located in the Ream commune. The park was established 1993, inaugurated in March 1995, and encompasses 21,000 hectares of coastal area including sandy beaches, mangrove forests, the Prek Tuk Sap estuary, offshore coral reefs and two islands( Koh Tmei and Koh Seh). Macaques, sun bear, dolphins, over 155 species of birds, and other animals may be seen by visitors. 

The park also contains rarely glimpsed species such as mouse deer and pangolin, and there have long been rumors of the tiger, but no confirmed sightings. Park facilities are not fully developed so it is best to arrange a guided tour such as a jungle walk or a boat trip. Ream Beach located in Ream National Park, thought not untouristed , the Ream Beach see far fewer visitors than Sihanoukville beach. The beach to the right is long and narrow and frequented more by fishermen than tourists. Behind the beach is a mangrove swamp, which attracts a wide variety of the tropical birds. The beach
es to the left nearer the Naval Base now have a few vendors selling drinks and renting tubes.


offers several excellent spots to watch sunset. Most people opt for the beaches. Victory is the most ideally oriented beach for sunset. The view from the other beaches is the sometimes partially obstructed depending on the time of year. Perhaps the best sunset point is at the top of Sihanoukville Mountain. The rocks at the top face west offers a beautiful view of the town, port, ocean and islands.

Kampong Chhnang Province

Kampong Chhnang is 91km from Phnom Penh, and the capital of Kampong Chhnang Province, in central Cambodia. It is located just west of the Tonle Sab River and is a noted port. It is connected to Phnom Penh by a national No. 5 route and railway. The economy of the area is dominated by rice production and many locals live on floating fishing villages during the high-water monsoon season.

- Name: Airport (1976 Constructed)

- How to go: 14 km (17mn) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Krang leav Village, Krang Leav Commune, Ralebiar District.

 - Name: Dek Dol Fishing Lot

- How to go: 3km (10mn) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description: Activities Related to Recreational Fishing, Location: Dek Dul Village, Phsa Chhnang Commune, Ralea B'ier District.

- Name: Phnom Da

- How to go: 28 km (1h:45mn) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description: Nature Wildlife Preserves, Location: Da Village, Da Commune, Kompong Leng District.

 - Name: Phnom Krang Romeas

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the natural resort having big trees with cool Shadow and fresh air, and locates between Sre Thmey commune and Svay Chrum Commune, Ro Lea Pha Ear district in two-Kilometer distance from the provincial town of Kampong Chhnang or 13-Kilometer distance from Phnom Penh by the National Road No 5.

- Name: Phnom Neang Kang Rey

- How to go: 14km (1h) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description: Nature Wildlife Preserves, Location: Trabek Village, Trangil Commune, KomPong Leng District.

- Name: Phnom Roap Bat

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the cultural and natural resort locating at An Dong Chrey village, An Dong Snay commune, Ro Lea Pha Ear District in 12-Kilometers distance form the provincial town or 103-Kilometers distance from Phnom Penh by the National Road N.5. The local people in the province are usually interested in: - There are small mountainswith natural beauty and fresh air. - The site related to the Cambodia folk legend. - There is a footprint of Ta Phrum. - On the mountaintop, there is a pagoda where people meet each other during the festival days.

Name: Phnom San Touch

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the natural resort locating at San Touch village, Sre Thmey Commune, Ro Lea Pha Ear District in three Kilometer distance from the provincial town or 94-Kilometer distance from Phnom Penh. The local people are usually interested in: - There are many big rocks related to Cambodian folk legend. - There is the beautiful natural beauty for filming the performance of songs and other Stories. - There is an enchanting view (Panorama) of Tonle Sap.

- Name: Phnom Ta Ind

- How to go: 3km (3mn) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description: Nature Wildlife Preserves, Location: Trapang Anchang Village, Svay Chrom Commmune, Ralebiar District.

- Name: Phnom Ta Pi

- How to go: 10km (1h) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description:  Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Phnom Tepi Village, Komponghao Commune, Kompong Leng District.

 - Name: Phnom Ta Reach

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the natural and historical site related to the Pol Pot time (1977-197). The site is located at Phnom Touch village, Pong Ro Commune, Ro Lea Pha Ear District in 10-Kilometer distance from the provincial town or 101-Kilometer distance from Phnom Penh by the National Road No 5, then turning left by the Road via the new airport. Phnom Ta Reach, the place where Pol Pot forced prisoners to carve the mountain rock having 200-meter length, 2.8-meter width and six-meter height. In a large space, there are many small concrete apartments. At outside, there are a lot of big and small mountains, palm trees and fresh air. This area can attract tourists to visit during the festival days. In addition, there are many other temples and historical sites in Kampong Chhnang which have not been developed such as:

- Name: Prasat Kampong Preach

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Wat kampong Preah, Chhnuk Tru Commune, Boribo District in eight-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.

- Name: Prasat Kampong Preach

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Wat kampong Preah, Chhnuk Tru Commune, Boribo District in eight-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.

- Name: Prasat Ponarey

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Ei Lech village, Chra Nuk Commune, Kampong Leng District in 13-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.

- Name: Prasat Pros Or Saklor

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Kang Kep village, Chra Nuk Commune, Kampong Leng District in 19-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.

- Name: Prasat Slut Tey

- How to go: 27 km (1h:30mn) From Provincial Town. - Location:  - Description:  Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Prasat Village, Da Commune, kompong Leng District.

- Name: Prasat Srey

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Pra Sat village, Da Commune, Kampong Leng District in 17-Kilometer distance from the provimncial town.

 - Name: Prasat Thmar Pdey Or Slotey

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Located at Chra Leang village, Da Commune, Kampong Leng District in 15-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.Located at Chra Leang village, Da Commune, Kampong Leng District in 15-Kilometer distance from the provincial town.

- Name: View Of Tonle Sap Lake

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the fishing area located in front of Kroum Market in one-kilometer distance from the provincial town, and the area consists of: - Many floating houses - Fishery in dry season - Fish raising places.

- Name: Wat Leng Keng

- How to go:  - Location:  - Description: Is the old capital located at Lung Vek Commune, Kampong Tra Lach District in 24-Kilometer distance from the provincial town on 76-kilometer distance from Phnom Penh. 

Takeo Province

Takeo is a province in the North West of Cambodia and is 78km from Phnom Penh. Takeo province is often referred to as "the cradle of Cambodian civilizations" Takeo province has several important pre-Angkorian sites built between the 5th and the 8th century. The provincial capital, Takeo town is an easygoing place that possesses a fair amount of natural and manmade beauty. The natural beauty is in the Scenic River and lake area that faces a pleasant town parkway. The low-lying area seems to include much of the surrounding province area, which is probably why a kingdom that once had its heart here was referred to as Water Chenla. There seems to be water everywhere in the surrounding countryside during the rainy season.

Chi So Mountain

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Located at Sla Village, Ro Vieng Commune, Sam Roung District in 62-Kilometre distance from Phnom Penh. The mountain can be accessible by the National Road No 2 via Ba Ti District and Neang Khmao temple in one-hour drive from Phnom Penh, then turning more five Kilometres from the National Road No 2 by a trail. If we drive from the provincial town of Takeo, it will take 15 minutes in 17-Kilometre distance. Chi So mountain has an ancient ruined temple; the temple is damaged, but it is still better than other in this area. On the top of the mountain, we can view the beautiful scenery of rice fields in Takeo province. The temple of Phnom Chi So was built on the top of a 380-metre height mountain by the King, Sorayak Varman I dedicated to Brahmanism in early 11th century (1002-1050). The mountain can be climbed up by a popular western stair having 180 steps and down by a southern stair having 408 steps. Next to the top of southern stair, there is another ancient stair located in front of the temple. This ancient st

Chruos Phaork

- How to go: 44 km (1h:6mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location:  
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Pou Village, Preah Bat Choan Chum Commune, Kiri ong District.

Chup Pol Temple

- How to go: 3 km (4mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location:  
- Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Doun Peaeng Village, Baray Commune, Doun Kae District.

Historical Resources

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Among 22 provinces in Cambodia, Takeo is the oldest province rich in historics relating to the periods of Anachak Phnom and Chenla. Takeo province has 34 ancient temples left from our ancestors that are the heritages and the soul of Cambodian people. Takeo province has six ancient temples in good form and they are relating to the history such as: - Phnom Da Temple: Was built in the 6th century and is located at Angkor Borey District. - Ba Yang Temple: was built in the 7th century and is located on the top of Ba Yang mountain in Kiri Vong District. - Neang Khmao Temple: was built in the 10th century and is located at Sam Rong District. - Phnom Chiso Temple: was built in the 11th century and is located on the top of Chi So mountain in Sam Rong District. - Phnom Ta Mao temple: was built by the king Sorayck Varman I in 11th century and is located at Ba Ti District. - Ba Ti temple: was built at the end of 12th century and at the beginning of 13th century and is located at Ba Ti district. These, tourists and resear


- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: In Takeo province, there is a museum located at Ang Kor Bo Rey District. The museum is just built under auspice of EU organization for keeping and displaying status and ancient objects of Phnom Da in 16th century for tourists and researchers.

Neang Khmao Temple

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Located at Ro Vieng Commune, Sam Roung District in 52-Kilometre distance from Phnom Penh and 26 Kilometres from the provincial town of Takeo. This temple made of sandstone and brick abiding by the style of Thmor Koh Keo. It is located in the yard of Neang Khmao pagoda and was built by the king, Jarman IV during 10th century. Most parts of Neang Khmao temple have also been damaged.

Name: Phnom Ba Yang Resort

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Located at Por Thi Rong village, Preah Bat Choan Chum commune, Kiri Vong District, Takeo province in 121-kilometers distance from Phnom Penh. The resort can be accessible by the National Road No. 2 in three-hour and 15-minute drive via the Districts of Ba Ti, Sam Rong, Daun Keo and Trang. If we drive from the provincial town of Takeo, we will take one Hour and 15 Minutes in 43-Kilometer distance. The temple of Ba Yang was built on the top of 313-metre mountain of Ba Yang in the 7th century 615-635 by the kings Mo Hen Trak Varman and Ey San Varman, the temple made of laterite stone, brick and other kind of stone. Nowadays, the temple is severely ruined, pieces of the temple spread on the ground, the top broken and the laterite fence also completely damaged. Ba Yang is the historical site, which attracts local and international tourists to visit and research about the tourist potential and the heritage masterpiece of Cambodian ancestors.

Phnom Da Resort

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Phnom Da is the oldest historical site in Cambodia. It is the former ancient capital of Nor Kor Kouk Thlork located at Kouk Thlork commune, Angkor Borey District, Takeo province in the distance of 102 Kilometers from Phnom Penh via Districts of Sam Roung, Prey Kak Bas and Ang Kor Borey in three-hour drive. Phnom Da is 24-kilometer from the provincial town of Takeo; in rainy Season, it can be reached by taking two-hour boat. The temple of Phnom Da was built on a small mountain in 6th century by the King named Rut Trak Varman reigned lastly of Nor Kor Phnom time. Mr. Mi Bri No, the French historian explained that the temple made of laterite stone. It has no wall surrounded; it faces the North; most peaks of the temple are damaged; the sculpture of stirring of sea of milk is broken into two parts; a fronton inscripted with figure of Vishnu sleeping on Treum. At the mountain?s valley, there are five-man-made statues expressing the style of Phnom Da, and five caves one of which was used as the cremation place dur 

Phnom Kleng

- How to go: 12.5 km (19mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location:  
- Description: Nature Wildlife and Preserves, Location: Takmet Village, Prey Sloek Commune, Treang District.

Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo)

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Located at Tro Pang Sap village, Tro Pang Sap commune, Ba Ti District, Takeo province. Phnom Tamao can be accessible by the National Road No 2 in 40-kilometre distance from Phnom Penh. Then turning right more five kilometers by a trail, it takes 45-minute drive from Phnom Penh. Phnom Ta Mao is a varied site consisting of temples, mountain, nature and a big zoo in Cambodia. Phnom Ta Mao has 2,500-hectar land area called forest-protected area; in this area, the Department of Forestry has taken 1,200-hectar land area for planning trees and 70-hectar land area for organizing zoo. The 70-hectar landarea consisting of five mountains namely: Phnom Ta Mao, Phnom Thmor Dos, Phnom Phdan Poan, Phnom Chhoy and Phnom Bang. Among the five mountains, two mountains have ancient temples are: - Ta Mao Temple (is located at Phnom Ta Mao): was built in 11th century during the reign of the king, Soryak Varman I dedicated to Brahmanism, the temple made of Thmor silt and red-solid brick, located on the peak of 30-meter mountain of

Ta Prohm Temple

- How to go: 45 km (1h:8mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location:  
- Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Thnal Teaksen Village, Krang Thnong, Bati District.

Tonle Bati Temple

- How to go:  
- Location:  
- Description: Located at Thnol Tak Sin Village, Krang Thnung Cummune, Ba Ti District, Takeo province in 35.5-kilometre distance from Phnom Penh; then turning right more two Kilometres by a trail. Tonle Bati, is a big worshipping place having two ancient temples, namely: - Ta Prum Temple: Was built in 12th century and at the beginning of 13th century (1181-1201) during the reign of the king, Jarman VII, dedicated to Brahmanism and Buddhism. The temple made of sandstone and laterite stone, surrounded by walls, and has protruding sculpture which describes celestials naymth in the story of Brahmanism. In the temple, there are five compartments containing two statues of 13th century, which located in front of the figure of krud and facing to the East. - Yiey Pov Temple: Located behind Tonle Ba Ti pagoda in 100-metre distance from Ta Prum temple and has 7mx7m square shape. Yiey Pov temple made of sandstone in 12th century and facing the East. In addition, Tonle Ba Ti resort has the old resting place located at the bank of Tonle

Yeay Pov Temple

- How to go: 45 km (1h:8mn) From Provincial Town. 
- Location:  
- Description: Historical Sites and Buildings, Location: Thnal Teaksen Village, Krang Thnong Commune, Bati District.